

A calming morning routine to manage IBS#recipes

Take more videos#directives

All the flavors of time#thoughts

Work time, wander time, chore time, and dead time

Introduction to Jetpack Compose#jetpack compose

A brief introduction to Jetpack compose

My Favorite Writing App#writing

My favorite writing app is the Most Dangerous Writing app.

A mini user story#Wave#storytime

A small user story about people getting excited over new app features

Restarting a daily writing habit#writing

I am going to write everyday until the end of year.

Styling Buttons and NavigationLinks with ButtonStyle in SwiftUI#swiftUI#ios_developement

Use ButtonStyle configurations to create custom buttons and NavigationLinks in your IOS app

Yet another Pomodoro article#thoughts#tools

Pomodoro-ing has been working really well over the last couple of months. Here are some additional rules and benefits I have discovered.

Links and Thoughts#thoughts#tools

A list of content that I like and my thoughts on them

The Streetlight Parable#thoughts#tools

Yesterday, I finally started using my company-sponsered Calm subscription. I started with the 10-minute basic meditation and heard this story

Building an MVP without any styles#webdev#tools

Focus on building out the entire functionality before worrying about how the app looks.

Comparing records in the same dataset and finding closest peers#pyspark#datasets#databases

How do we create classes and objects in Javascript?

Bad tools are a major happiness drain#thoughts#tools

The thing about bad tools is that it not only hurts your productivity in the short term. It insidiously hurts your long-term happiness.

Everything I learned in 2 years at JPMorgan#thoughts#learnings#projects

An incomplete, growing list of everything I learned in 2 years at JPMorgan

The Path to Enlightenment#thoughts

The path to enlightenment is scrubbing the dirty dishes, debugging that gnarly piece of code, and sweeping up fallen leaves yourself

OOP Series #2 - Creating Classes and Objects in Javascript#javascript#object oriented programming

How do we create classes and objects in Javascript?

Replace all occurrences of a string in Javascript + A non-breaking solution#Modify a string#regular expressions#javascript

Replace all occurrences of a string in Javascript using the .replace method. A solution to using this method when the original string is null or undefined.

OOP Series #1 - Objects in Javascript#javascript#object oriented programming

The fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming. What are objects? What are classes? Create a basic object from a class.

Sunday Sparks Issue 9: Practicing Permissionless Creativity and True Fans#fanbois#permission is for procrastinators

Sunday Sparks Issue 8: The Pursuit of Frustration and Your Life Story#frustration#interesting stories

Sunday Sparks Issue 7: Consistency and Mundanity#Consistency

Sunday Sparks Issue 6: Serendipity, Creating Online, and Planting Seeds for Tomorrow#Luck#creating online

Sunday Sparks Issue 5: $GME drama and better things#Stonks#GME#Mania

Sunday Sparks Issue 4: Social Cooling and Pseudonymity#privacy#pseudonymity#social cooling

Sunday Sparks Issue 3: Innovation#creativity#reinvention#innovation

Sunday Sparks Issue 2: History and Happiness#happiness#memory#history

Sunday Sparks Issue 1: Goals, Processes, Systems, and Habits#resolutions#habits#systems#goals