Comparing records in the same dataset and finding closest peers

Recently, I was trying to solve this problem:

You have a dataset of companies that looks like this:

company_id AUM (assets under management) fiscal_year_end
1 200,000 2020
2 300,000 2020

We need to add a column with a list of 8 peers that are similar to that particular company.

We define "similarity" as follows:

  1. needs to have the same fiscal_year_end
  2. needs to have an AUM that is greater than 50% or less than 50% of the current company
  3. then filter down the list so that you get 2 peers whose AUM is less than the current company's AUM and 2 peers whose AUM is greater than the current company's AUM

A neat technique I recently found out was that when you are comparing records in a dataset to other records in that same dataset, you can join the dataset to itself and specify the conditions of the join based on your criteria.

df1 = companies.alias("df1").select(
df2 = companies.alias("df2").select(

join_criteria = (df1["fiscal_year_end"] == df2["fiscal_year_end_other"]) & ((df2["aum_other"] >= 0.5*df1["aum"]) | (df2["aum_other"] <= 1.5*df1["aum"]))

df1.join(df2, join_criteria, "left").show()

This will give you a dataset where for each company, you would get similar companies:

company_id company_id_other aum aum_other fiscal_year_end fiscal_year_end_other
1 1 200,000 200,000 2020 2020
1 2 200,000 90,000 2020 2020
1 3 200,000 100,000 2020 2020
1 4 200,000 300,000 2020 2020
1 5 200,000 350,000 2020 2020
1 6 200,000 400,000 2020 2020

Now, to find which companies are similar to my company in question--company_id=1, you would create another column that gives you the difference between the company_id in question and the other companies.

similar_companies = similar_companies.withColumn(
    abs(df1["aum"] - df2["aum_other"]))


This would give you a table like this:

company_id company_id_other aum aum_other fiscal_year_end fiscal_year_end_other aum_diff
1 1 200,000 200,000 2020 2020 0
1 3 200,000 100,000 2020 2020 100,000
1 4 200,000 300,000 2020 2020 100,000
1 2 200,000 90,000 2020 2020 110,000
1 5 200,000 350,000 2020 2020 150,000
1 6 200,000 400,000 2020 2020 200,000

The four closest companies are the four companies whose aum_diff is the closest to the company in question. So, how would you get these? Using a window function.

similar_companies = similar_companies.withColumn(
    collect_list(df2["company_id_other"]).over(Window.partitionBy("company_id").orderBy(col("aum_diff").asc()).rowsBetween(0, 4)))
company_id company_id_other aum aum_other fiscal_year_end fiscal_year_end_other aum_diff similar_company_ids
1 1 200,000 200,000 2020 2020 0 [3, 4, 2, 5, 6]
1 3 200,000 100,000 2020 2020 100,000 [4, 2, 5, 6]
1 4 200,000 300,000 2020 2020 100,000 [2, 5, 6]
1 2 200,000 90,000 2020 2020 110,000 [5, 6]
1 5 200,000 350,000 2020 2020 150,000 [6]
1 6 200,000 400,000 2020 2020 200,000 []

Now, just filter the data so that you only have the company in question and select the columns you care about.

similar_companies = similar_companies.filter(
    col("company_id") == col("company_id_other")).select(
        "company_id", "aum", "fiscal_year_end", "similar_company_ids")
company_id aum fiscal_year_end similar_company_ids
1 200,000 2020 [3, 4, 2, 5, 6]


  1. When you want to compare records in a dataset to other records in that dataset, join the dataframe on itself with the comparison criteria as the join criteria
  2. Reframe the question "find 2 peers whose AUM is less than the current company's AUM and 2 peers whose AUM is greater than the current company's AUM" as "find 4 peers whose AUM is closest to the current company's AUM". Closest to = absolute value of the difference